
Arrival card

Travel by train or car to Brig - Ernen - Ausserbinn - Binn to Imfeld. (car park)


Take the Matterhorn-Gotthard railway from Brig or Andermatt to Fiesch.


Bus connection from Fiesch to Binn. In summer with the Alpinbus from Binn to Brunnebiel.


Taxi connection from Binn to Binntal:Brunnebiel, Freichi or Weisser Bach
taxi number :  0041 79 206 65 44

By foot

Binn - Mittlenberg  approx 3.5 h
Imfeld - Mittlenberg approx 3 h 
Brunnebiel - Mittlenberg approx 2.5 h 

Tour map

The Mittlenberg hut is an ideal starting point for ski and mountain tours.